Sunday, October 21, 2007

Updates for our princess Clara

Here uncles and is Clara reporting!

Here am i when 12 Oct...with such a cute cute face! :)...this is when i am about 6 weeks old...hiak hiak

This pic was taken on the day of bb charlene full month celebration...when daddy and mummy had a shopping day in Junction 8 from lunch time till evening...had a long outing that daddy and mummy want to drink kopi at olio dome but no went back to J8 hagen daz...which served really nice ice cream...the pple in the store also very nice...esp this manager called Siva...seeing me...get daddy and mummy a 4 persons mummy and me can sit comfortably...then as a job is to get hungry and eat me start engine liao lor!!!...mummy bf me in the funny stares from pple...only 1 auntie...daddy said she saw 2 times at mummy...dunno why eat full full liao...then we went to bb charlene full month celebration...hehe
saw auntie mag with bb ayden and sister mayvis, elaine and uncle kenny, irene, uncle jen and bb jerald...we all had a great evening together! :) ...Our God bless all of them and my bb friends richly...amen ah! :)

The above 2 pictures were taken went daddy and mummy went out petrain mates derick and sophia house to see the latest additional to church strength...Prince Lee....welcome!!! me look kind of big in the above picture hor...hehe...then the next picture is BIG TONGUE!!!

here is mummy feeding me in kovan's prefect mum shop...we went to visit auntie niko...she works there and have become a good friend of daddy and mummy...sat there and chat for a while then we went to eat then went home liao

Here daddy and mummy bringing me to register for Joewe infant care where i will be after mummy goes back o work...also long chat with the principal there

Me on train...hehe...we going gai gai outside...taken on MRT...hehe...daddy and mummy said me has grown a lot since came back from tmc 8 weeks back!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Clara at 6 weeks

mummy went to see dr woody for the one month check up...pap smear test was done..mummy passed dr woody a pic of clara....hehe...then roughly took her he measured...daddy carried clara measured once...then he carried clara...daddy weight that is how the weight measured.

after that...we went MOS burger for dinner...there...clara sleeping on the bench...she slept through out our wake up :)

Big head sticker!!!

While we are in Starbucks
We observe clara 90% will sleep when we are outside...making a false front she is an guai guai gal home...the ratio is the opposite...haha 90% of the time want to find mummy...hehe
Yesterday 10 oct clara went for her 4-6 weeks we went back to dr lillian there...all is well for her
Weight: 4.35kg 75%
Length: 58 cm 90%
Head circumference: 41 cm
Dr lillian carry on giving her the 6 in 1 jab...add in pneumococcal and rotavirus (oral one) the rest by jabs!
Clara was very good...yak at the poking...then no more cry already...dr lillan that she is very alert...the eyes were dartng if looking for thins...and her neck is tough a 6 weeks baby...her length...or should be her height s 90% above the usually...well we thank God...the rest not for us to say and do already...haha
Below picture is taken while eating dinner...grown very much liao hor! :)
Just want to give thanks...