Sunday, November 8, 2009

Clara reading ability

Just feel like sharing this...importance of reading to a child...

Never realised that reading to a child can be so powerful. Clara had took a story bible off-the-shelve in "The Rock" about a month or so me and Clement decided to buy it for her...since then every night before she sleeps is bible reading time....Clara will choose the story she wants and i will read.....the last page of the story bible is Luke 18:15. So one day about a week back, Clara sit there on the sofa and recites, "Jesus says let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen"

Can you all imagine how surprise i was....a 26 mths reciting a bible verse. But when i talk to a church friend, i realise it is possible and he told me i can actully do more....

Ok darling.....mummy will read more often to you okay....and may your knowledge of words and knowledge of GOD will multiply

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